Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Top 10 Reasons to Hire - A Sharper Image - Photography

Top 10 reasons you should hire a Professional Photographer
Well these are really good reasons why you should hire A Sharper Image actually

Whilst reading a marketing book recently, it posed a question that I felt worth spending a little time pondering.
The author suggested you put yourself in your client’s shoes and ask
Why should I hire you?
He was really trying invoking advertising copy and creating a unique selling proposition. But I thought that question warranted some serious thought.
So here are my top ten reasons to hire A Sharper Image - Photography
1. Top-of-the-line Equipment – My camera is worth more than my car, and I have a whole slew of lenses. Along with all the “Must have” pro accessories
2. Expert Eye – As a professional photographer I anticipates all the possible moments in an event. And know how to capture these moments and immortalize them in a single, cleverly angled shot.
3. Coaxing a Shot – I know it’s hard to believe but sometimes I have to deal with uncooperative subjects. This takes experience and patience to coax a shot.
4. Lighting Techniques – Another reason why you should hire a professional photographer is I know how to deal with different lighting conditions. I can gauge what kind of equipment is needed if the present natural lighting conditions are unsatisfactory and recognize what kind of light will make a photograph pop.
5. Focused Concentration – Hey as a professional photographer is hired to do one thing and one thing only, he or she will have the concentration that is needed to capture special moments in an event.
6. Education – I have formal photographic education plus attend workshops to continually upgrade my skills. Unlike the amateur who has barely skimmed the instruction manual.
7. Proper Etiquette – Years of experience has developed the proper way of acting in an event. I can document the event without being conspicuous.
8. Objectivity – During an event, there are a lot of emotions going on and if you hire a friend or relative, chances are, they will be too involved in the event to take excellent shots. A professional photographer who is outside an event can give this necessary objectivity.
9. Dealing with Other Professionals – The professional photographer will be able to coordinate with other professionals, such as a Judges or videographer or event officials, to make sure that every important shot is taken without getting in the way of other professionals.
10. Standards of Quality – I am totally committed to producing high quality photographs. After all that is my business.

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