Thursday, December 30, 2010

Slice of Life – Photography – will Boost your Business

Everyone know that if you have a business of any kind – you really need to have a web site – it’s almost a pre requisite for business these days.

Your web site not only helps potential clients find you, but also do a little research about your company.

If you are reading this you are well aware that people not only search on line but they also compare.

If you are offering a “service” your potential clients are not just comparing price but they are searching your web site to see if your business fits their needs.

So how do you visually persuade your web visitors to not only browse your web site longer but also ultimately pick up the phone.

According to some theorists. It is argued that we live in a constant state of tension and buy things to reduce that tension. Which is good new for Equine businesses that promote fun, fresh air and work at one with nature.

So with that in mind you can create images for your web site that solves that problem. (The tension – not the need to buy)

“The art of riding is relaxed concentration”

So when visitors stop /shop by your web site show them a “Slice of Life”

Take them visually through what a day at the barn is like; give your web visitors a “Peek behind the scenes”

As a professional photographer - this is how I would approach such a project

The facility – I would show someone either riding/ or leading a horse through the open gates into the facility (signage clearly depicted) after all that is what you want new clients to do “Come In” – closed gates are practical but not inviting.

The Owner – Again this would be a welcoming kind of shot with the owner shaking hands with a new client (showing the owner gives personal attention to her customers)

The Staff- I would prefer to photograph the staff doing their work rather than head and shoulder mug shots,

Existing clients­ – with signed model release form of course, but what better way to show and tell. Pictures of both group and private lessons.

The Horses - The horses are the candy that will attract people to your facility – The images you use should inspire the viewer to “Want to ride that horse” pictures of horses grazing in a field evokes a very different emotional response from a horse jumping or galloping freestyle.

The Disciplines - What style of riding do you offer?

Who do you cater to - beginners / advanced / hobby riders or potential show riders. Maybe all four but obviously not within the same group lesson – so you need to visually appeal to each group so that they can identify with your business and see that they would fit in. (everyone has the basic need to be accepted)

The personality of the Business – this is probably the hardest image to create especially if you own the business very often other see us very differently that we see ourselves and this is also true of businesses.

Its in the details – every wedding photographer knows, he has to take pictures of the rings / cake. Flowers, we can learn from their attention to detail. I would take tack room shots, kids grooming, all the barn animals cats or dogs etc. maybe there is a special place the grooms go to eat lunch -

Good Photographer’s see the world differently and capture the extraordinary in the ordinary a gift most people leave behind with childhood.

This article is geared towards Equine businesses but the same principles would apply to most services.

To learn more about slice of life photography and how it can work for your business please e-mail Linda Finstad

Or visit her web site

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