Sunday, January 10, 2010

10 Reasons to Promote your DOG to CEO

Top 10 reasons to promote your dog to CEO
Yesterday I explained my top 10 reasons for living the self employed life style.
Today I am going to share with you why you should promote your dog to CEO of your company.
1. They are “The Perfect YES Man” always agreeing with whatever ideas you put forward.
2. Dogs totally endorse frequent “Power naps” – these are proven to add energy and enthusiasm to your next task. Have you ever watched how quickly and vigorously your dog can go from napping to hurling himself at the front door when the postman comes?
3. They realize the importance of fresh air and exercise – in fact they insist on regular walks - which really help clear your head.
4. Dogs don’t allow time stealers like e-mail , facebook, texting and chatting with friends on the phone to detract them from their main duties.
5. Dogs are always pleased to see you - even when you are really really late, in fact the later you are the more pleased to see you they are – I love how that works
6. Dogs don’t need you to “Dress for Success” in fact they will let you work in your PJ’s
7. Along with unlimited coffee breaks will be time slots for hugs and tummy rubs.
8. Most CEO’s don’t have a clue to the day to day running of a business so your dog will do just fine.
9. Your dog will never fire you - no matter how incompetent you are.
10. He doesn’t need huge bonuses or company kick backs – regular food and an occasional doggy treat and he is happy.
So I would like to introduce you to the CEO of my company - Muffy

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