Today’s blog is just for fun, but to be honest it really got me thinking.
Here are my Top Ten (and there are lots more) reasons why I would rather be a horse.
1. When you speak (neigh) people listen, and rush over to see what you might need – not so much when you are the wife
2. All your meals are brought to you including any special vitamins or minerals you might need.
3. Someone else cleans up after you allowing your nails (hooves) grow nicely.
4. Which means, “New Shoes” every 6 weeks – yea I love new shoes
5. You only work about an hour per day and always get time off if you are sick. No one expects you to just carry on.
6. Naps and early nights seem pretty standard practice. Not the exception
7. You not only get to smell the roses you sometimes get to eat them
8. Having your own personal trainer and style consultant is not just for the rich and famous it seems to me most horses have one. I just have a very critical 16 year old.
9. Even if you have a foal - someone else takes care of it for you – and worries about shots, doctors appointments, special diet etc.
10. Horses do get to “Retire” and just hang out with their buddies. Regardless of what happens to the economy or their stock.
The biggest reason and perhaps the greatest lesson they can teach us is the ability to “Just be what God created you to be”
LOL! Love it!!