Friday, January 15, 2010

From Boring to Brilliant

I want to encourage you all to embrace boring chores – you know the ones you procrastinate over but know you have to do.

In my specialty headwear business “Hats By Emmanuel” there are lots of very boring repetitive steps to producing turbans and scarves. The fact that these items really do help ladies undergoing cancer treatments feel better about the way they look helps – but only a little. There are still hours and hours of repetition.

Until I discovered that boring is a door way to brilliant - now I welcome the tasks I used to avoid. Allow me to explain;

As you do mindless repetitive jobs it fee’s your mind up to think very creatively – its all about your attitude and willingness to allow creative thoughts and ideas in.

The best way is to before you start your job, to think of a problem or situation you need solving – then begin your tasks with an open mind.

That is the key if you are saying to yourself - things like I hate this job or are wishing your time away your mind is full of negativity and is blocking all the potentially brilliant ideas.

Ps. Keep a pen and paper handy to write them all down.

Or use this time to daydream about desired outcomes - one of my dreams is to be an official photographer at the Olympics in 2010, so I would visualize the whole thing from buying my plane ticket, and packing up all the equipment I would need to standing on the rail waiting for the first dressage rider to enter at “A”. This little daydream allows me to see areas that need work – and steps I can take to move closer to my goal.

I hope this helps get you through the dull day-to-day stuff

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