Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Virtues of Virtual Friends

If you were one of those popular kids growing up - you wont be able to identify with my story so you can stop reading now.
I was very lucky as a child and learned to ride a pony before I could ride a two-wheel bicycle. Now you would think owning a pony would score some popularity points with the other kids. But mine was a show pony so I wasn’t allowed to have friends down at the stables. So I got labeled a snob.
Plus I had to feed my pony on the way to school which was nice for me as I got to see her first thing every morning and felt her warm breath nuzzle me for the treats I kept in my jacket pocket. Our really morning visits seemed to have a lingering effect that the other kids on the school bus didn’t react too kindly too. I guess I always smelled kind of funky and had bran mash under my fingernails. Which never helped me make it into those popular kids circles.
But the computer has changed all that - our virtual friends have no idea if we are wearing the latest fashion or thrift shop hand me downs, we could be groomed to perfection or looking like something the cat dragged in. In our virtual world of face book it really doesn’t matter and even the funky smelling kids are accepted and can gather a following of friends.
Another plus for technology
Oh and if you were wondering I am wearing polka dot PJ’S and bunny slippers

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